Thirst 1979

Horror Romance Sci-Fi Thriller

The descendant of Elizabeth Bathory is abducted by a cult of self-proclaimed supermen who achieve this state of superiority by drinking from the "blood cows" (read: people) kept at the "dairy farm", and they try to get her to join them.

Tutti i titoli
  • AU: Thirst Thirst
  • BR: Ânsia Ânsia
  • FI: Verenjano Verenjano
  • FR: Soif de sang Soif de sang
  • IT: Sete di sangue Sete di sangue
  • PT: Ânsia Ânsia
  • AU: Жажда Жажда
  • ES: Sed Sed
  • ES: Sedientos Sedientos
  • AU: Blutdurst Blutdurst
Data di rilascio 29 Sep 1979
Link IMDb
